culinary classes and workshops

Todos mis cursos culinarios son clases y masterclass profesionales intensivos de un día entero o fin de semana, aptos para amateurs y sobretodo recomendados para chefs que quieren expandir sus conocimientos de la cocina y técnicas plant-based, para emprendedores de productos gastronómicos veganos o todos aquellos que quieren empezar a emprender en un producto vegano. En los intensivos nos enfocamos en las técnicas, en la combinación de sabores, y en la arquitectura detrás de cada plato, así como en técnicas de emplatado creativos.


I teach professional plant-based courses/ weekend & day immersive classes the classes are for amateurs but also recommended for chefs who want to expand/ elevate their plant-based techniques and entrepreneurs who have/ want to start a vegan product/ service. All classes are professionally taught ONE day long intensive or weekend workshops - we delve deep into techniques, flavour combination & the architecture behind a dish as well as plating.

clases privadas

(individuales y grupos)

Presenciales en la Ciudad de Mexico u Online

[también en Inglés]

Aprende a cocinar sin recetas! Te enseñare las técnicas base y luego aprenderás las variaciones sobre la misma, con capas de sabores y sus combinaciones, variaciones de ingredientes, y emplatados creativos. Terminaras las clases sintiéndote confiado en la cocina, con todas las herramientas para expresar tu creatividad, sin seguir recetas.

*Todas las clases son veganas (sin gluten y sin azúcar refinada)

como funciona

Una vez reservada tu clase, recibiràs un pdf con la lista de compra y los ingredientes cuatro diàs antes de la clase de cocina.

  1. Yo vendré a tu casa para la clase - todas las clases son flexibles para cumplir tus necesitades, no hay un programa fijo, podemos darle tu toque personal al curriculum si quieres, y dejar que tu creatividad fluya!

    2. Cocinamos juntxs, paso por paso, tu eres el/la que guía.

    3. Al final de la clase, tendràs apoyo y seguimiento posterior por whatsapp para preguntas o dudas.

la experiencia

Cocinaré a tu lado, contigo, a medida que avanzamos con la arquitectura de cada receta. Te recomiendo hacer preguntas así como resolver algunas dudas de técnicas que puedan surgir. Quiero que te sientas segurx en cada paso de la clase! Si prefieres solo mirarme y no cocinar, también está bien!


private classes

(1-on-1 & groups)

Live en Mexico City or Online

Learn to cook without recipes!

Rather than just showcasing recipes, I teach a basic technique, then I show and explain how to build upon it, applying flavours, ingredient and variations. Each participant will leave the class feeling empowered to experiment with no set recipes and with the necessary toolbox to express their personal creativity in the kitchen.

* All classes are vegan (gluten free and free from refined sugar!)

I cater for special allergies, SOS (salt, oil, sugar free) diet & diabetics.


Four days prior to the class’s start date, class attendees will receive a downloadable shopping list with equipment and ingredients.

  1. I’ll come to your place, (with my equipment if needed) - cooking class is flexible to your needs, it’s not a set curriculum, we change things, and let creativity flow.

  2. We cook together, go through every step, you are in charge!

  3. At the end of each class you have total support 1-on-1 on whatsapp, if you have future doubts/ questions/

the experience

I will be cooking side-by-side with you as we go through the architecture of each recipe. You encouraged to ask questions as well as have the opportunity to troubleshoot any cooking issues that may come up. I want you to feel confident every step of the way as we cook! If you’d also like to just sit in a watch me cook, that is totally fine as well!

what they say…

Quiero darte las gracias por todos los cursos que tomé contigo. No obstante de haber terminado los cursos Sofia me siguió ayudando en todas las dudas que me surgieron, aprendí a usar ingredientes completamente desconocidos para mí y los que conocía me aprendí a darles un uso con mejores técnicas. Sofia es una gran chef y una excelente persona, créanme que no dudo en recomendar cada vez que puedo sus cursos!
— Chef Carlos A. M. Martinez
Sofia’s culinary workshop was sensational! I now have the tools to make delicious AND beautifully plated plant based dishes! From nut butters and milks, to hearty crackers, salads and currys. I finally feel empowered to create something magical in the kitchen. Sofia will teach you concepts (not just recipes) and everything just makes so much more sense! One of my favorite parts of learning new techniques with Sofia was understanding how to up-cycle ingredients and have almost zero waste. Kale stems from our superfood salad turned into a vital part of the curry, and the pulp from our nut milks turned into hummus and vegan cheese. It’s simply amazing what you can achieve in the kitchen under Sofia’s guidance. She is extremely dedicated and loves what she does, and it shows in everything she creates. You won’t regret booking a class with Sofia!!”
— Kate
I CANT RECOMMEND SOFIA ENOUGH! woooooow taste buds and mind blown. I did an intimate cooking class but it was more like a mini culinary school experience. I learned how to make so many things and so much about nutrition and wellness!
— Kirsty
Sofia’s workshops are fun and informative. She doesn’t present one simple dish - she teaches deep culinary understanding through each dish she prepares. In a workshop on salads and dressings, we left understanding how to convert pastes to sauces and dressings; and for each flavor desired, she provided several options for how to integrate to obtain that flavor. Sofia’s greatest talent - aside from making delicious meals - is her willingness to know and understand each guests health concerns, and, differentiate which workshop participants might favor certain ingredients for health reasons. Sofia’s preparation for each workshop indicate a promising career ahead
— WIll
how AWESOME this workshop was! It made me feel like a rock star chef! This was because of the way you taught the workshop, at a professional chef-level- focusing on the concepts vs just recipe details. Your genuine passion for creating with food and sharing it with love - your own rock star chef self! A huge inspiration . I am still cheffing it up at home with many of the new tips and tricks I picked up from you!
— Jenn
I had the privilege to meet Sofia who shared with me her wisdom, enthusiasm and knowledge as a raw chef. High level skills combined with knowledge in nutrition and a refreshing dose of creativity. Never, had I thought that something so simple and so easy could taste so amazing due to the right combination of ingredients, a healthy mix of good knowledge and quality ingredients. Thanks so much, keep spreading the goodness and living your passion.
— Laura
Great energy, very creative, always smiling and very dedicated at what she does. The best chef for raw/vegan food I have encountered so far. I loved the coconut yogurt. I was so impressed with the simplicity of your classes and the concept that one basic sauce can be turned into three or more sauces for different things and of course the raw chocolate class was the best.
— Sanjay